Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Wednesday .. inside because of the weather

WOW what weather we are having at the moment. Yesterday was one for staying inside, warm and dry, but I did venture out to walk to the pool and try to do some swimming. Boy 25 m is a long way when you are not fit, but I managed to do a few lengths. I am going again today. It is becoming my time to chill out and just enjoy myself. This morning I have to wake all the boys at 7 - 7.30 am so I might be able to get to the pool earlier.

For the rest of the day, I cleared the sewing table and ended up hand sewing all the pieces of batting together to make one big piece. Made quite a suitable size too. Am pleased how it turned out. Then I decided to cut out the calico to make more pillows for the family = ended up cutting out five more. Will have to finish them properly and put them away.
If it continues with this bad weather I will spend some time washing all the sheets that I got from Dad which I want to use as under sheets for the beds. I am realising more and more things will not always be easy for me and it is time to start my "old-age" glory box.

And there is a new gym opening up in the next street over next month. might go and check it out

Feel sore in the arms. With the new goggles I now can see to do freestyle and I feel the weakness in my arms. well I will keep going and soon I will be able to be more 'freer' in the style

So that is goal number one for the day done, now off to see Dad and then shopping later in the day as I have run out of lunch food for the tribe.

1 comment:

Jaxx said...

Hope all is well :-) Have a great weekend.