Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Wednesday .. inside because of the weather

WOW what weather we are having at the moment. Yesterday was one for staying inside, warm and dry, but I did venture out to walk to the pool and try to do some swimming. Boy 25 m is a long way when you are not fit, but I managed to do a few lengths. I am going again today. It is becoming my time to chill out and just enjoy myself. This morning I have to wake all the boys at 7 - 7.30 am so I might be able to get to the pool earlier.

For the rest of the day, I cleared the sewing table and ended up hand sewing all the pieces of batting together to make one big piece. Made quite a suitable size too. Am pleased how it turned out. Then I decided to cut out the calico to make more pillows for the family = ended up cutting out five more. Will have to finish them properly and put them away.
If it continues with this bad weather I will spend some time washing all the sheets that I got from Dad which I want to use as under sheets for the beds. I am realising more and more things will not always be easy for me and it is time to start my "old-age" glory box.

And there is a new gym opening up in the next street over next month. might go and check it out

Feel sore in the arms. With the new goggles I now can see to do freestyle and I feel the weakness in my arms. well I will keep going and soon I will be able to be more 'freer' in the style

So that is goal number one for the day done, now off to see Dad and then shopping later in the day as I have run out of lunch food for the tribe.

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Saturday 0733

Tried my goggles yesterday swimming and what a difference!!! Why have I waited so long == i never knew that I could get them and that they were so affordable. No more sore eyes and vision is really clear
It is 7.33 am and I have to wait until 9 am when the pool will be open again, in the mean time I will have to do other things. It is cold this morning - Skids [the cat] is under the quilt I have over my knees!!
I was looking at my subtitle and realise I need to make more of a commitment to writing about this lifestyle and to do more about it.
At the moment I want to get the place sorted out so I can live in it more comfortable.
I have all the clothes to put away = that will be easy as both boys are working today.
I want to start leveling the lawn at Dad's so we can get the grass seed down, so in summer there will be a proper lawn to walk on.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Middle of the Week

OK it is the middle of the week and for the first time my leg is not hurting when I walk on it. Now that the boys are up and have breakfast I am packing to go for a swim, then ring the optician to see if my goggles came in, [I wear glasses].

Do some housework, more cutting of fabric, and then the paper work.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Feeling better

Monday and the start of another week. I hope this one will be better than that last one.
My leg is getting better though by Friday of last week it was still sore and when IR rang I just burst into tears, but she made me ring the doctor and she took me in and got me sorted with tablets etc Following this new regime of medication I can see and feel a difference and I now know I am on the right path.

Walking is still uncomfortable = hang on got to get the paper rubbish out === it is 6 am and they are coming around NOW !!!!
Anyway walking is still uncomfortable I am still limping and there is still a certain tightness on and in my shin. At least I can move with a modicum of mobility which I do appreciate. First it is bed rest and no walking and now it is the other way keep moving to move the fluid build up.

The rest of the family saga is not good, except my youngest is back home, but that is another story.

Now I have a house to sort out again so that should keep me busy this week.
I need to sit down and organise a plan for this week otherwise it will fly past [the week I mean] and i will have not achieved any thing. I will just sit and procrastinate and in the end kick myself for opportunities lost.

I haven't done any sewing and that is starting to upset me. I guess the plan of 15 mins a day has to be brought back into play otherwise I just end up with a messy room.
I have three major projects: a large quilt I am tying and I do not have that much left to tie so I should get that done and the opening sewn down , take to drycleaner to get cleaned.
The second one is "Goosefoot" done with Thimbleberry fabrics. It is turning out quite nice. I have all the small blocks sewn and now need to sew them into larger blocks.
The third project is a red and blue logcabin sashed with black for WG. He really needs a large quilt as all his others are too small for him.

I really do not need to sit and sew everyday for a few minutes to get this pile [of other quilts] under control. Because these are not under control I feel my life is not under control.

ok that is long enough off to "work" I go.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Sore Leg

Saturday morning woke to what felt like a bruise on my lower right leg. By the end of Guild that day my leg had swollen and showed an angry red shiny leg. Many of the ladies there said it is cellulitis and I need to get to hospital now. Well these are ladies that tease and I tease back so did not really take it seriously, but when 6 - 7 ladies mentioned the same thing I thought well..... It was the driving home that made me decide to got to East Care, my leg was really stinging and I knew there was something wrong. Well It is celluitis and I have had to rest for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Today hopefully will be the first day I will more comfortable to walk again. I have had to have IV antibiotics for three doses/days.
It hit me when the doctor said I need to have IV treatment now and I am lucky that it can be done at East Care, if I left it until tomorrow [sunday] I would have to have treatment in hospital!!!
I have been in a state of shock once I did a google search on this disease and read how serious this is and the side affects if treatment is not administered quickly.
So I have done no exercise nor watched food for three days. Today I would like to do something but the leg is still sensitive. Mind you I did feel that I was hit by something as I do feel more like myself today than I have been for the last few days. I have to go back tonight for hopefully a last check up.

What this has taught me : look out for what my body is trying to tell me, things will go wrong with my body - I am getting older and the world I live in is changing daily, I am living an adventure and my life is an adventure and it is all worth looking after. Mind you I didn't feel like that while I was "sick" but I know now . This is going to be a turning point and a start point for my leg. I reckon it will always be "weak" point and will have to watch it.

ok going to get on with the day working around all my pinpricks and bruising etc
see you later

Friday, 6 June 2008


Just getting ready to go for a swim, but need to write down all that I have to do today otherwise I will forget.
Swim, and when I get back rinse out togs and towel, hang to dry
ring Insurance for Dad's house
ring re D/D
do WG's paper work and make sure he sends in his MC
clean out car and pick up Rimu timber from Dad's
get wrappers from Mum's place
write up membership cards for Guild, pack car for Guild,

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Boy was it frosty this morning

Even cars that are black in colour were crystallised in white ice. Real two tone = looked nice but probably not nice to touch.

I was swathed in coat, scarf, hat, hand stuffed in pockets while walking to the pool for a swim.
The walking hasn't been touched since last time as I have been busy doing stuff about Dad so hopefully his life will be a little easier and ours less stressful. What I must do today is ring the optician about the swim goggles for me as I want to do more swimming but without goggles/glasses I can not see at all. It will make it easier to be able to do overarm instead of the "cak handed" breast stoke type swimming I am doing at the moment. At least I am up to 12 lengths of the pool where as only a month ago I could barely do two. The pool is the standard 25 m length so I am building up distance. It takes me about 2 mins to do a length; I am comfortable with that.

I will see if I can fit in a walk tomorrow, otherwise it will be Sunday which should be the 8 km but I may have to be flexible on that as I am getting behind in the training program. I am determined to do this 1/2 marathon and my goal is to finish it. I am not going to give myself the stress of a time limit as I think that would be negative if I did not achieve the time I set. I think any time will be great and, more importantly, it will excellent if I finished.

Saturday I will not be able to do any exercise as it is Guild and I will have to leave early and I will be late home. Mind you I could squeeze in a 2 km around the park before and after Guild if I took the car, but not if I took the bus. Will think about this as I have had two days off this week and I need to keep the momentum up of walking everyday.

ok that is enuf ==== off to Dad's to do some tidy up for him

Tuesday, 3 June 2008


Am sitting here trying to think of an interesting start but nothing comes to mind so I won't bother.
Yesterday tried to do th 5km walk but only got as far as about 3.7ish kms. It really need to work on the morning ablutions as it is not fun getting caught out. Got home in time, and as that broke my stride I did not go and finish the walk. I was supposed to go swimming today but the Course is finishing today and I have rubbish to put out and the dishes to do, I will treat myself to a break.
Cat has just come in and is helping with this writing - lol.

One observation about yesterday is ....I made no contact with anyone, I was totally on my own and I enjoyed every minute of it. I realised I do not feel any guilt over doing this exercise and taking time out for me. I am making ME the priority for the rest of this year.
This morning I woke with the thought I do not want to stay in bed any longer I want to get up and live life. I haven't felt this for many years - since Bill died at least - It is almost like the old me coming back. Already this walking and swimming is changing me, it is giving me time to think and feel about how I think and feel about my world. To me, this is quite a watershed, as I have always put others first, and finding out that it is ok to think of me first, is quite uplifting. I really feel I have moved forward in my life with this realisation, and now that I have realised this I intend to keep the momentum up.

For many decades I have kept journals and diaries, and I have been meaning to go through them and fill them out with full descriptions of the events that happened, I think I will make this a goal to start this project this year. I really must put my full list of goals up on this page so I can keep track of them all

Sunday, 1 June 2008

foggy outside

Boy is it foggy outside. Can not see a thing even the next door neighbour. I can usually see if the light is on but not even that. Hope the rellies don't mind = they want to do skytower later today.

Today I do the swim thing, hoping to do at least 10 laps and 20-30 mins aqua jogging. Really enjoy that as it is so easy on the joints but I can feel the muscles working against the water and I do feel it in my buttocks. Yes I do have muscles there!!!!.

The rellies go home tonight but until then will enjoy their company.

I want to so some housework - well clear the rubbish out ; as it is a long weekend we get an extra day and that makes all the difference to have a chance to have a bigger clear out. And yes I do recycle everything I can; and I would like to so some sewing today.

As it is a new month I would like to finish 3 quilt tops, do all the mending that the family keeps sending me, and start on my new drapes. I have promised myself these drapes since the beginning of the year and now it is time to get onto them.