Monday, 4 August 2008

Going to continue 33 months

Haven't been doing this for a while as family matters got in the way, but that is life. Life is for living of course but [I am only joking here] sometimes it gets in the way.
Anyways I found this site 101 tasks in 1001 days and I have decided to take the challenge. That means in 33 months I should have the goals done. Mind you I will be 33 months older and in a way that would be an interesting journey. The past two months looking after Dad and everything that goes with it has been interesting and thank goodness I did write down some of it other wise I would have forgotten how quickly things have deteriorated in such a short time.

I have been reading other blogs and the daily entries making for an interesting story about ppl over a period of time. In a way I want to add my story to the many that are out there.

Todays list :
clear ds2 room out of clothes and get them into some sort of order
clear clothes off dining table
do some patchwork
visit Dad
